Solaris – D – Shell snooping

# shellsnoop – A program to print read/write details from shells,
# such as keystrokes and command outputs.
# Written using DTrace (Solaris 10 build 69).
# 21-Jan-2005, ver 0.80 (check for newer versions)
# USAGE: shellsnoop [-hqsv] [-p PID] [-u UID]
# shellsnoop # default output
# -s # include start time, us
# -q # quiet, only print data
# -v # include start time, string
# -p PID # process ID to snoop
# -u UID # user ID to snoop
# eg,
# shellsnoop -v # human readable timestamps
# shellsnoop -p 1892 # snoop this PID only
# shellsnoop -qp 1892 # watch this PID data only
# UID User ID
# PID process ID
# PPID parent process ID
# COMM command name
# DIR direction (R read, W write)
# TEXT text contained in the read/write
# TIME timestamp for the command, us
# STRTIME timestamp for the command, string
# SEE ALSO: ttywatcher
# Standard Disclaimer: This is freeware, use at your own risk.
# Author: Brendan Gregg [Sydney, Australia]
# 28-Mar-2004 Brendan Gregg Created this.
# 21-Jan-2005 ” ” Wrapped in sh to provide options.

# — Process Arguments —
opt_pid=0; opt_uid=0; opt_time=0; opt_timestr=0; opt_quiet=0; opt_debug=0
filter=0; pid=0; uid=0

while getopts dhp:qsu:v name
case $name in
d) opt_debug=1 ;;
p) opt_pid=1; pid=$OPTARG ;;
q) opt_quiet=1 ;;
s) opt_time=1 ;;
u) opt_uid=1; uid=$OPTARG ;;
v) opt_timestr=1 ;;
h|?) cat <<-END >&2
USAGE: shellsnoop [-hqsv] [-p PID] [-u UID]
shellsnoop # default output
-q # quiet, only print data
-s # include start time, us
-v # include start time, string
-p PID # process ID to snoop
-u UID # user ID to snoop
exit 1

if [ $opt_quiet -eq 1 ]; then
opt_time=0; opt_timestr=0
if [ $opt_pid -eq 1 -o $opt_uid -eq 1 ]; then

# — Main Program, DTrace —
dtrace -n ‘
** Command line arguments
inline int OPT_debug = ‘$opt_debug’;
inline int OPT_quiet = ‘$opt_quiet’;
inline int OPT_pid = ‘$opt_pid’;
inline int OPT_uid = ‘$opt_uid’;
inline int OPT_time = ‘$opt_time’;
inline int OPT_timestr = ‘$opt_timestr’;
inline int FILTER = ‘$filter’;
inline int PID = ‘$pid’;
inline int UID = ‘$uid’;

#pragma D option quiet

** Print header
dtrace:::BEGIN /OPT_time == 1/ {
printf(“%-14s “,”TIME”);
dtrace:::BEGIN /OPT_timestr == 1/ {
printf(“%-20s “,”STRTIME”);
dtrace:::BEGIN /OPT_quiet == 0/ {
printf(“%5s %5s %8s %3s %s\n”,”PID”,”PPID”,”CMD”,”DIR”,”TEXT”);

** Remember this PID is a shell child
syscall::exec:entry, syscall::exece:entry
/execname == “sh” || execname == “ksh” || execname == “csh” ||
execname == “tcsh” || execname == “zsh” || execname == “bash”/
child[pid] = 1;

/* debug */
this->parent = (char *)curthread->t_procp->p_parent->p_user.u_comm;
OPT_debug == 1 ? printf(“PID %d CMD %s started. (%s)\n”,
pid, execname, stringof(this->parent)) : 1;
syscall::exec:entry, syscall::exece:entry
/(OPT_pid == 1 && PID != ppid) || (OPT_uid == 1 && UID != uid)/
/* forget if filtered */
child[pid] = 0;

** Print shell keystrokes
syscall::write:entry, syscall::read:entry
/(execname == “sh” || execname == “ksh” || execname == “csh” ||
execname == “tcsh” || execname == “zsh” || execname == “bash”)
&& (arg0 >= 0 && arg0 <= 2)/ { self->buf = arg1;
self->len = arg2;
syscall::write:entry, syscall::read:entry
/(OPT_pid == 1 && PID != pid) || (OPT_uid == 1 && UID != uid)/
self->buf = NULL;
self->len = 0;
syscall::write:return, syscall::read:return
/self->buf != NULL && child[pid] == 0 && OPT_time == 1/ {
printf(“%-14d “,timestamp/1000);
syscall::write:return, syscall::read:return
/self->buf != NULL && child[pid] == 0 && OPT_timestr == 1/ {
printf(“%-20Y “,walltimestamp);
syscall::write:return, syscall::read:return
/self->buf != NULL && child[pid] == 0 && OPT_quiet == 0/
this->text = (char *)copyin(self->buf, self->len);

printf(“%5d %5d %8s %3s %s\n”, pid, curpsinfo->pr_ppid, execname,
probefunc == “read” ? “R” : “W”, stringof(this->text));
self->buf = NULL;
self->len = 0;
/self->buf != NULL && child[pid] == 0 && OPT_quiet == 1/
this->text = (char *)copyin(self->buf, self->len);
self->buf = NULL;
self->len = 0;
/self->buf != NULL && child[pid] == 0 && OPT_quiet == 1/
self->buf = NULL;
self->len = 0;

** Print command output
syscall::write:entry, syscall::read:entry
/child[pid] == 1 && (arg0 == 1 || arg0 == 2)/
self->buf = arg1;
self->len = arg2;
syscall::write:return, syscall::read:return
/self->buf != NULL && OPT_time == 1/ {
printf(“%-14d “,timestamp/1000);
syscall::write:return, syscall::read:return
/self->buf != NULL && OPT_timestr == 1/ {
printf(“%-20Y “,walltimestamp);
syscall::write:return, syscall::read:return
/self->buf != NULL && OPT_quiet == 0/
this->text = (char *)copyin(self->buf, self->len);

printf(“%5d %5d %8s %3s %s”, pid, curpsinfo->pr_ppid, execname,
probefunc == “read” ? “R” : “W”, stringof(this->text));

/* here we check if a newline is needed */
this->length = strlen(this->text);
printf(“%s”, this->text[this->length – 1] == ‘\’\\n\” ? “” : “\n”);
self->buf = NULL;
self->len = 0;
syscall::write:return, syscall::read:return
/self->buf != NULL && OPT_quiet == 1/
this->text = (char *)copyin(self->buf, self->len);
self->buf = NULL;
self->len = 0;

** Cleanup
child[pid] = 0;

/* debug */
this->parent = (char *)curthread->t_procp->p_parent->p_user.u_comm;
OPT_debug == 1 ? printf(“PID %d CMD %s exited. (%s)\n”,
pid,execname, stringof(this->parent)) : 1;